
If, like me, it makes you ill thinking how much you’ve spent on cocktails in your lifetime, it’s time to get onto the band wagon of making margaritas at home! Ridiculously easy, it’s a party starter that’s fresh and zingy with just enough sweet, and certainly with a good kick of alcohol that’s going to get you buzzing in no time!

What goes in Margaritas

Here’s what you need – it’s easy as 1-2-3: (With “parts” being anything from a shot glass, a tablespoon, a mug or a bottle – just use the same measuring vehicle for each ingredient!) No sugar! Cointreau is sweet enough as it is – and proper margaritas are meant to be fresh and zingy, not crazy sweet!

Triple Sec is an orange flavoured alcoholic syrup. The most well known brand is Cointreau which is made in France. Triple Sec brands vary in sweetness and intensity / quality of orange flavour. Cointreau is less sweet than most, with a better orange flavour.

SKINNY Margaritas

Skinny Margaritas are all the rage nowadays – and compared to the outrageously sugary margaritas that some places serve, they are much lower in calories. It’s made with orange juice and agave syrup instead of Cointreau. But here’s what they don’t tell you – Skinny Margaritas only have 15 calories less than classic margaritas made properly with no added sugar. So, here’s what you need for the Skinny version – and I’ve included the quantities in the recipe card below. It’s a tasty alternative, but I personally don’t make it as a lower cal alternative of classic Margaritas!

Both normal and skinny Margaritas can be served in any type of glass, but for the sake of distinguishing between them, here is the Skinny version in a tumbler, served with ice.

When to serve Margaritas – and what to serve it with!

Margaritas are a classic drink of choice for parties and all things Mexican! A backyard BBQ with friends, Friday night Nachos, a Sunday Mexican fiesta! Kick off a party with Margaritas, chips and dip – everybody’s favourite Guacamole or my infamous Pig-Out-Salsa that everyone goes bonkers over. They’re dangerously drinkable – fresh and zingy rather than ridiculously sweet which means you don’t get sugared out, you can literally drink them all night. You can’t taste the alcohol but they are pretty darn potent! Plus, they’re easy to make in big batch quantities – just mix up a jug and keep it in the fridge to pour on demand. Now that’s a way to keep the party going!! – Nagi x

Watch how to make it

Life of Dozer

Dozer taking on the (little) waves!

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